Dancers — Daniel Jaber, Paea Leach, Tara Soh, Yang Hsiao-Hsuan
Sound — Acid Mothers Temple, Abruptum, Throbbing Gristle
all the people i can remember sleeping with… was made for ADT Australian Dance Theatre’s Ignition7 – Gender Studies in 2008.
A friend said, “You’re lucky, you get to do what we only theorise about.”
Judith said, “am I a gender after all? and do I ‘have’ a sexuality?”
Gilles said, “There are as many sexes as there are individuals”
Jean said I am not a ‘normal human’.
Ludwig said it’s everything that isn’t here that matters, and this is mostly senseless.
Xuan says, “public hair”. Daniel laughs. Paea says no one will know it’s about you. Tara says I name-drop.
all the people i can remember sleeping with… was blogged on supernaut