Late-May, I was assisting the glorious Australians VNS Matrix, who were in Berlin for the CYBORG: Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisings conference
Category: Adelaide
In March thru May I was in Adelaide making pestilence.
all the people i can remember sleeping with…
From August till October, I was choreographing at ADT for the Ignition7 – Gender Studies season, all the people i can remember sleeping with…
Leigh Warren & Dancers
January I was back in Adelaide visiting Leigh Warren and Dancers.
September and October I was in Adelaide with a group of dancers – Gala Moody, Lisa Griffiths, Adam Synnott, Alison Currie, and 郭芳伶 Guo Fangling from Taipei, co-choreographing CRUSH for the I Hear Motion Festival with Amanda Phillips.